
We are committed to using research in our treatment methods and dispelling biased claims that create unnecessary shame and panic. 

Center for Overcoming Pornography

Our Research

All of the research depicted here has been independently conducted. We are dedicated to dispelling research that proves little empirical evidence. We are completely honest about what we do and do not know from a research standpoint. 


Here's what we found:

Compulsive viewing of pornography is about escapism- the inability to sit with uncomfortable emotions. 

That’s it. 

Not addiction. 

Not sexual deviance.

Not some hidden inner desires. It is simply a release of dopamine that can be habit forming. 

Since the compulsive use of pornography is a form of escapism from uncomfortable emotions, shame around the issue will only make it worse. We understand that any approach to quitting pornography that produces more shame creates a spiral of pornography use that is especially hard to break out of. 

These are band aid solutions for a much deeper issue that is not being addressed. 

This includes:

  • Filters
  • Confessionals
  • Accountability groups
  • Willpower
  • Saying “Just Stop” 
  • Distracting yourself 

Our Approach

This deeper issue is a lack of emotional resilience and processing skills that research has found to not only be good for overcoming pornography but essential. 

This is why we take a completely different approach to quitting pornography that is: 

  • Shame free

  • Sex positive

  • Research based

  • Result focused

  • Trauma Informed

This revolutionary approach doesn’t only sound great, but it really works.  
Hundreds of clients have reported not only quitting porn but no longer having a desire to view porn at all after going through our program.

90.4 % of program members report feeling more in control on their lives since joining Overcome Pornography for Good. 

Our podcast teaches these skills and resonates true with over 1 Million listeners. We regularly receives reviews like this:

Get to the Root Model

Through years of analyzing research and coaching, the Center for Overcoming Pornography has developed a “get to the root” model. 

We acknowledge that unethical pornography use is a symptom of a much larger issue- a societal issue founded in homogenized masculine tendencies which has created an unbalanced system. This system is focused on symptoms, dressing bullet holes with bandaids leaving individuals feeling that their body is inherently un-trustworthy.

In contrast, our center strives to bring awareness to abusive behaviors, control tactics, and power dynamics that make it difficult to quit porn. We also make porn consumers aware of emotionally abusive behaviors they might be playing out in their own relationships. We don’t blame the porn for these behaviors, as you'll see in the research. We ensure that we are a safe place for people to land. We never ostracize pornography consumers. People are not the villains, legal and ethical pornography is not the villain, harmful beliefs and systems are. 

Center for Overcoming Pornography

Our Mission is to completely revolutionize the way that our society addresses pornography. 

We see so many men and women who feel trapped, broken, and lost from their inability to stop watching porn and we desperately want to help them understand that there is nothing wrong with them- they are just using the wrong tools to heal their problem. 

We encourage everyone to gather as a community to support these individuals in building new and healthier habits. This is done through a radical shift in mindset about how porn affects us. 

Disclaimer: The Center for Overcoming Pornography defines pornography as explicit representation of sexual activity performed by consenting adults in images or in writing.  

This does not include explicit sexual representation of anyone under the age of 18 or anyone unable to consent to sexual acts. We consider this material not as pornography but as Sexual Exploitation Material (SEM). As we discuss research on pornography, we want it to be clear that we are not discussing SEM. The Center for Overcoming Pornography does not condone illegal material such as SEM. If you have come across SEM we encourage you to report this material to the United States Justice Division (For US residents) or your local Criminal Division. 

We are a Porn-Neutral organization.

While our current culture has divisive ideas about pornography, the research is quite definitive.

It’s no secret that historically, porn has been taboo. There have been unfounded claims about pornography that have very little empirical evidence making research on porn difficult to sift through.

Examples include: porn is addictive, watching porn makes you a violent person, or porn consumption damages your brain. Each of these claims and many more have been debunked (see drop downs below). These claims perpetuate shame towards those who consume pornography and make it so much more difficult to quit. 

Why are there so many untrue claims around pornography? 

Pornography can be classified as a "moral panic". Dr. Marty Klein explains this in depth in his book, His Porn, Her Pain. He teaches that moral panics are not new to society. In the 1980’s, Dungeons and Dragons, a popular board game, was thought to cause mental illness and lead to immoral behavior. In the 1950’s comic books were feared. Amateur “research” concluded that comic books led to antisocial behavior among young readers. There were public burnings of comic books, censorship, and bans on words like "zombies" or "vampires." Likewise, “moral panic” was used to create “porn panic” in the early 2000’s. Incomplete studies were conducted on assumptions of immorality creating many of the sources that are regularly quoted today by anti-pornography campaigns. 

We do not teach that legal pornography (consensual adult material) has moral value, but that it can be a symptom other issues underneath the surface. 

We simultaneously acknowledge that there can be very genuine pain around pornography. It is normal to experience relationship pain, self identity pain, or “feeling out of control” pain. Pornography is sometimes used by abusers against their victims which can cause a very poignant pain for this topic. We promise to address your pain-point wherever you may be with pornography without villainizing porn as the problem. 

There are many great reasons to quit porn that have nothing to do with the moral character of porn. For many of our clients, pornography use has become a form of escapism preventing them from progressing. It is the escapism that we are work to eliminate, not the medium one chooses to escape with.

Additional Myths in Research on Pornography Consumption: